Thursday 17 July 2008

I'm a luvvie!!

I have just started co-writing a stage show (for kids), early days yet but working with an experienced writer so that should help. I think I may be getting asked to do some production/direction, but as I said, early days.

Good fun though. We had a brainstorm today and came up with a load of ideas and at least we have the direction we need to go now. There were one or two sticky points that were difficult to get over, but once we got over those......

All it needs now is the dialogue and stuff, but we got a lot of good work done on that side today, making loads of notes, so we going to hook up next week once the kids back in school for a further session.

I kept thinking back to the time the kids were in pantos and stage shows back in the UK, and used the extensive experience gained watching/helping in the preparations for these shows in my fledgeling writing attempts!!

We don't know if we will get approval yet, but we have run our ideas past one or two people and they tell us we are on the right track. That's good enough for me for starters.

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