Tuesday 28 October 2008

Labour Day

This weekend was Labour Day here in NZ, a nice long weekend in what is officially the end of the skiing season and the beginning of summer season. As is usual for a bank holiday, the weather wasn't too good over the weekend, but Monday was a different story, absolutely scorching! Got burnt which is my own fault for not putting the sun screen on, but it was so bright on the white sand beach

Some friends of ours who arrived in NZ recently invited us over to the beach house they rented when they first arrived as it was the final weekend. We thankfully went over as the kids all get along so well. BBQ's, wine, good food and company, that just about sums up our weekend. Went to the busking festival on Saturday as our friends son was having a go with his guitar and ukelele. He enjoyed the experience as we all did. Went to the beach later on as the kids wanted to go in the sea on the body boards but it was too rough to do any serious boarding.
Sunday saw another couple of friends turn up and we spent a mixed day at the beach, windy and showers, but it didn't stop the kids doing their stuff. The beer helped us forget the weather, but we ended up huddling behind our wind break to shield us from the winds.
Monday was gorgeous. After tidying up the house, we headed off to Mount Maunganui beach for a fabulous day in the sun. The kids appreciated the shallower and much clearer water after the storm washed waters of the previous days. Clean and enough waves to let them have their fun.
It was a lovely day and a fantastic end to the weekend.

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