Sunday 28 December 2008

The kids caught their first fish today..!

We took a trip over to Raglan today, it was beautiful weather, got well tanned/scorched whichever way you want to say it, but what a lovely day we had.  First stop when we got to Raglan was the wharf by the old silo.  It was very busy there with loads of people fishing. Our two were well up for a go, especially as Louisa has her own pink fishing rod now. They didn't look like fishing types though, dressed more like they going to a concert of fashion show than anything else. Anyway, I digress, they managed to break their duck, Kieran caught the first, a yellow eyed herring, then Louisa got one too. Kieran ended up catching eight, his face was a picture. Louisa wasn't quite sure what to make of it all and pulled a funny face but she still loved it :D

After this it was across to the main beach where they went bodyboarding as I sat it out on the sand reading a book and listening to my iPod (Crimbo present) - hence the scorching I got!!

We got fish and chips for tea and went down to another quieter part of the estuary we found with picnic benches. As we were sitting there we spotted the fisheries sign saying there were cockles and pipis there, so we ended up getting a small bag of cockles, never seen so many shells in my life, the beach was literally crammed with them, and you just scooped your hand in to get a hand full, amazing........

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