Tuesday 24 February 2009

David Byrne - Auckland day out.

Jan, Kieran and I went up to Auckland the other week to see the Top Gear Live show (Kieran the petrol head) and David Byrne, the ex-Talking Heads front man.

What a day we had. Louisa was duly farmed out to her friend for the day/night and we headed off in anticipation of a great day out.

Kieran thoroughly enjoyed Top Gear as we would have expected, Jan and I popped over to Sylvia Park for a look round Borders book shop then on to the English shop to see what we could get there - after a very expensive 10 minutes in the shop, we went to get Kieran, he was thrilled, took lots of photos and was well pleased with himself for going to a show like that on his own.  Well done son.

Then we went up to the CBD for the second part of our day out, to see Mr Byrne in concert with his new album.  He had a band without the excellent Tosca strings this time as his new stuff with Brian Eno was more akin to older Talking Heads stuff and not so "way out" as his later solo stuff.  We were in the 2nd row from the stage, and he was only 10ft from us - great position. We could see everything that was going on in close up detail, he even posed for some photos as we snapped away!!
Part way through the show he introduced an NZ legend, and it was a big surprise to see Neil Finn enter the stage, dressed in the same white as the rest of the band/dancers. He sang "Heaven" one of my fave Talking Heads songs - and we even got to meet him at the end and get his autograph. Result!!

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