Sunday 14 March 2010

Lady Gaga... we didn't go.. but we weren't idle..

As the girls were enjoying themselves at the concert, Kieran and I were walking the dog along the waterfront. On a trip to get some chocolate from a shop, we spotted the base for the rescue helicopter, so, on the way back, we peeked through the window to see the helicopter. As luck would have it, one of the crew opened the door, told us that he was having his dinner but if we would like to come back later he would show us around. We watched the Police helicopter take off in close quarters at that time, getting a taster of what it would be like when the bigger rescue helicopter took off.
We eagerly accepted the opportunity and were given a first class tour of the aircraft. Kieran was sitting inside and was shown all the technical stuff, including the cost of the crew helmets and night vision goggles. We were taken outside on to the landing pad and allowed to see what the NVG's were like, you could see the laser pointers on the clouds and the stars were brilliant - amazing!
So, a huge thanks to the guys at Auckland rescue centre, you certainly made our evening with your tour - that hour of your time made us feel quite privileged.

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