Monday 25 October 2010

Labour Day.. Monday

Another beautiful day, sunny start after a small lie in. Unfortunately our slow puncture on the car turned in to a major one but we managed to get it repaired - thankfully. Lots of washing today, taking advantage of the weather, and a chance to air the house. This afternoon saw us heading in to Hamilton to get a set of hair clippers on a reward scheme. Our poor dog has been suffering in the heat with his super thick coat of hair. I reckon he didn't know the meaning of suffering until my eldest was unleashed with the electric clippers.. that is unfair, he/we did a reasonable job for our first attempt at a Schnauzer cut!

Prior to this we went to the lake in Hamilton, it was beautiful, with families enjoying the nice weather, BBQ's and all kind of outdoor games were on the go when we arrived. We got the bikes out and took a cycle around the lake in the late afternoon sunshine before heading off home, but not before stopping at the Strawberry Fields on the way home for some freshly picked strawberries and strawberry ice cream. A perfect end to our Labour Weekend.

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