Tuesday 4 January 2011

Mount Maunganui - January 3rd

A trip across the Kaimai's on a lovely hot, sunny day. The mount was heaving busy, the busiest I have ever seen it. A cruise ship was in, but the kiwi holiday was in full swing as well, making it very difficult to find a parking place near the beach. But once parked, the lunch was opened and we tucked in to some sandwiches and lemonade. After this is was time to get the boogie boards out and togs on, it wasn't long before we were in the warm sea. Another first for me was seeing the beach "steaming" not like hot water beach and it's geothermal heating, but pure strength of the sun! The retreating tide was being boiled off, and thankfully there was a nice breeze or it may have been unbearable. Straight in to the sea then, and we spent a long time in the water, the downside to this being sunburn, you don't notice as much as when you dry and I got a nice red back as a reward. Unfortunately my face also copped it, I even got a white handlbar moustache effect where my pudgy cheek folds didn't get as much sun as the rest of my face... the ribbing I got off the others was merciless!
We moved farther down the beach and the kids took the opportunity to go in the sea again. This time, Kieran's surf board was trotted out, and everyone bar myself were in the water again.

After this, a trip to the free BBQ's to cook the sausages and onions we brought along followed by a spot of fruitless fishing in the evening sun. After packing up for the run home we stopped off to get ice cream and watched the beautiful sunset over the Kaimais. We arrived home in the dark, very tired, very hot, and ever so slightly frazzled - but what a lovely day we all had.

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