Saturday 24 September 2011

The blog isn't dead, but winter is almost over and it's time for blogging again!!

3 metre satellite dish installed in Auckland for Sky news
A view of the transmitter station on top of Mount Te Aroha taken from the trig point
looking south from the Te Aroha transmitter station toward the Kaimai ranges
Mount Hikurangi with most of the tonnes of kit already installed
me getting out of our trusty "taxi" used to get us and our equipment up Mount Hikurangi near Taumurunui

.........time to catch up on things!

Well, winter was spent with me looking for work after a long lay off. It got very depressing when one day I spotted an ad for a company I have wanted to work for for a long time.

No joy as the job was all over the Pacific isles, but decided to phone the manager from their local office. I had spoken to him in the past and was very surprised to find that I could have a possible short term contract. As it transpired I was taken on as extra help for the Rugby World Cup. What a relief to get regular salary again after a very lean time. I already knew one of the other workers, so at least I wasn't totally strange.

Things I did in the early weeks included maintenance and installation of local FM radio transmitters atop a 3000ft mountain, installation of a 3m satellite dish at Sky news, broadband network access nodes in telephone exchanges, battery changes at major radio sites, new radio link installation for the railways, and the only way to the site was by helicopter! Some jobs aren't quite so "glamorous" - the bread and butter stuff like cable pulling, fibre optic splicing and the like, but it is all work and great experience.

Quite an exciting few months I'd say, and now I am to fly to Wellington in 2 weeks for a course that should keep me busy on a project for a while to come... watch this space!

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