Saturday 19 July 2008

More wedding pics

Managed to trawl through a few more of the many hundreds of pictures we took on our travels. Got some nice ones of June and George, who we thank for putting us up and having their house overtaken for over a week! (especially with the kids having their stuff scattered to 4 corners!)

It was so busy, with fittings for the kids wedding clothes taking a lot of time, hairdressers, last minute stuff to do, and squash family visits in too, it's no wonder we are exhausted. Also managed to borrow my mum's car for the odd trip around getting stuff together, before we hired a car for a few days, so again, thanks mum.

But the wedding was very nice. Thankfully we beat the thunderstorms. The rain was so heavy that there were rivers of water running down the street. We feared the worst, and after negotiating the rain with brollies to stop the outfits getting wet, the drive to the bride's house was in heavy rain. Not long after arriving the rain stopped, and we kept our fingers crossed that it stayed this way. Thankfully it did, and we had it clear for the photos, it did rain on the way to the reception, but it cleared up again and the party went without a hitch. Liz and Chris did a fantastic dance - having taken ballroom dancing to heart last year, well done you two!

Jan has complained that there are more photos of the cruise ship that was berthed alongside than of Liz and Chris (not quite true :D) But I not going to put them on here......

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