Tuesday 12 August 2008


Goodness me it has been wet - never seen rain like it, even when at sea, so it was great to escape this weekend and head across to the Mount for a bit of fresh air and sunshine. Went along with some friends of ours and had a good day. Not the warmest of days, but sunny, and when you out of the wind it was lovely and warm.

The kids had a ball on the beach, digging, collecting things, throwing stuff in to the sea, climbing rocks and trees etc. After a picnic lunch on the bench we had a rest on the sand as the kids went bananas. Off to have an ice cream once they had ran their soft off, it was getting a bit chilly at this stage as the sun went over the mount, so we opted to go in the hot pools for a nice end to the day. It certainly made us a lot warmer and made us feel refreshed that's for sure. So, as the days lengthen and the rain subsides, we hope to be making a lot more time to go out and enjoy this beautiful country.

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