Monday 30 March 2009

So busy!

Where does the time go??? Just noticed my last blog entry was beginning of month, and there has been so much going on.

Louisa has had her school swimming sports day. Entered 2 races won both races - freestyle by a country mile, breast stroke a photo finish, but considering it is her weaker stroke (she should have been in backstroke but her name got mixed up!) very happy with the result. She got put in to the relay team then as a result of her swims and did a great job.... but her house was a bit weak in that even so they didn't win it.

Kieran is busy as always. Soccer camp, cricket, orchestra and ceilidh band in school to name a few, and he got a great first school report to, and 10 commendations so far this term - go Kieran!!

Will get some photos sorted soon and post them on here...but facebook seems to be taking over from blogging so you may have to wait a little while yet......

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