Sunday 5 April 2009


Can't remember the last time we had rain (ok it was the end of Feb but it seems ages ago!) The ground is bone dry, rock solid and I struggled to get the dog's spike screwed in to the ground at the University cricket pitch yesterday....

It is really beautiful this time of year. The weather has been gorgeous, not as hot as last year but still very nice. It is cooling down overnight now, but the days are on the whole glorious. We got 26 degrees yesterday and much the same today. It is a bit better because the clocks went back last night, so the day seems to have gone on forever, even though Jan and I had a big sleep in - exhausted with all the stuff we have been busy with lately. Both of us are studying and taking courses now, and with all sorts of other stuff going on, we are a tad tired to say the least.
The kids are keeping us busy, with Louisa having auditions for the school play this week (that I have co-written) and Kieran with all sorts of stuff that he is doing.

And talking of Kieran - he has damaged his foot again. After playing in a very long game of cricket, when his team were narrowly defeated in very warm conditions, he gets home and turned his ankle on the steps by the spa pool. More than just a turn, his right foot has a big lump sticking out on the outside, he in a lot of discomfort and is dosed up on painkillers and ibuprofen. What is this family like for leg injuries!?

Anyway, apart from this, things are ok. We were supposed to go to the beach today but with K's injury we had to leave it. Maybe next week......

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