Thursday 30 April 2009

Ruakuri bush walk


Had a lovely walk last Sunday, even though it was raining. This walk is in cave country, about a 3/4 hour drive away from us. Waitomo caves is where the glow worms and black water rafting (floating through underground caves sitting in inner tubes etc.) takes place. It is a lovely area, and there is lots to do for the outdoor minded person. As you can see from the first photograph, Kieran was well prepared with waterproofs and walking boots. Louisa on the other hand, had little sandals on, denim shorts and a flimsy cotton top under her sweatshirt. You can tell who is in the scouts!
But we all enjoyed it, had a little picnic with us which we ate under a shelter that was built by the original discovering team judging by the photographs on the display nearby. Loads of feijoas off our trees in the garden with sandwiches - only thing missing for Jan and I was a flask of hot tea - we'll deffo remember one next time....

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