Thursday 30 April 2009

Back to school week...

The Easter hols are over, and the kids have gone back to school. What we notice is the difference between holidays here and when they were in UK. They always grumbled in UK, but here they positively look forward to going to school. Don't know what the difference is, but they really like the schools they attending.

Louisa is busy preparing for the camp (I am going to help on this one over near Rotorua) and the school production (of which I was a co-writer hehe and also helping out with rehearsals and playing in the band). "Nitball" (as she pronounces it now, the little kiwi) starts this Saturday too, so they are all pumped up for their first game of the year.

Kieran is back in to it all, busy as usual. The soccer season starts this weekend and he is busy preparing for a possible trip to Australia with the school orchestra this winter, if it goes ahead. But if it doesn't he will definitely be going next year. Coupled with the sheets of new music he has to learn for the Cailidh band, he is going to find himself under the cosh again this term....

One thing is certain though, the house is a lot quieter in the day time!


Anonymous said...

Good to see you guys are having such a wonderful time. I follow your journey from time to time. All the best to you. Cheers

Stevie D said...

thanks for that "anonymous"! Off to sports with the kids now, the winter sports season is beginning today, Football first then straight to Netball after that. Going to meet a friend on his farm this afternoon to talk about matters Everton FC.