Saturday 2 May 2009

And so it begins....


the winter sports season.

Kieran was first up for his school football team, not a good result, getting beaten 7-2 by Hamilton Boys - but they have only had 1 practice session so early days, not gelled as a team and having 4 lads from south America who speak little English (and hog the ball too) didn't help the team. But he managed to get the team's 2nd goal after the ball squirmed along the line and he tapped it in.

Louisa's first game was against Cambridge middle school. Although she only played the last 2 quarters she got 5 goals in a 44-0 drubbing. Her friend Natala was on fire scoring most of the teams goals.

So, Saturdays are taken over by the kids again, but we don't mind...

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