Friday 12 June 2009

Goodness me!!

It's a month since I last posted on the blog.... it is winter, lots of rain for a few weeks then a clear, balmy week at (20 degrees for a few days). warmer than UK here (well, Liverpool at least!)

The school production rehearsals, (which I co-wrote) is in full swing We only have just over a week and we are all go. I had the choice of being stage manager or playing in the band - I decided to look after the guitar section and be in the band. Was I wrong? Only time will tell......

The theatre is booked, the guy who's material we based the play on and who's music we are using is coming over from Australia with his family. I found out today he is going to be helping us out and playing along - looking forward to it.

These last few days have seen Agricultural Field Days down the road. It is the biggest show in the southern hemisphere, and Jan has been there with her trainees allowing them to get work experience. We went along today, Kieran being off school and Louisa having the morning off. We got some bits and pieces, soaked in to the bargain, but the kids loved it. Ended up back at the school for more rehearsals, then back to Field Days to get some more stuff. We even got a chicken feeder for our girls we are expecting soon. The coop has been built, the shed is almost finished and we just have to wait for the weather to get a bit warmer before we get our rescue chickens!!

Watch this space.

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