Tuesday 30 June 2009

School production.

I have co-written a show based on the creation story. It was an idea by my co-writer and we sat together for many hours hammering out a script. We used the music of an Australian man called Andrew Chinn, who tours Australia/NZ and the islands doing musical workshops covering his religious songs with primary age children. We contacted Andrew last year and he agreed to see where it got to as a show.... well, we wrote it, he liked it and we ended up producing the show with Louisa's school here in Cambridge. Andrew was so excited by it he even planned a tour to coincide with the opening of the show, and he brought his wife and daughter with him, their first time outside Australia. After a lot of rehearsals, casting and hard work, the big day arrived. A matinee performance went well, albeit to a small audience, but the evening show went well, apart from a minor problem with the lights in the theatre. We had the use of St.Peter's school theatre, a professional standard facility and it was excellent. A big audience appreciated the efforts of the 180 children, and the band made up of students, staff and parents (I played guitar in the band and thoroughly enjoyed it all).
It was very well received, with the house being almost full for the last night. It was a fantastic experience and one which I will never forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That is some accomplishments. That is what life is all about; collecting happy memories that no one can take away from you. All the best to you all..Cheers