Saturday 17 October 2009

School hols - been and gone!

The kids had their mid term break and went back to school this week. The trouble was, the weather was shocking, with rain, and rain, and more rain, so we didn't get much done outdoors. However, the garage has been hanging over our heads like the sword of Damocles, so we managed to make a huge dent in the job, sorting and clearing loads of junk that has accumumlated in there. There is still a bit of work to go, but it is nearing the end now.

Got a school fundraiser to go to tonight, and we are in a quiz team. Should be a giggle if nothing else. The kids are going to watch a movie with the neighbours which will be nice for them.

Maybe a trip to the beach tomorrow for us if the weather remains like it did today - hit 25 degrees here in Cambridge at one point before the thunderstorm arrived in the afternoon.

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