Sunday 18 October 2009


Madness? We decided to go for a run over to The Mount today, absolutely tippling down it was. The Kaimai's were shrouded in mist and once over the top things didn't look much better. We headed in to Tauranga in heavy rain, with things looking grim. However after stopping at the front we were rewarded by a break in the weather and we headed on to the beach to let Paddy have a good run.
Jan headed in to the waves with Kieran to try and get some relief on her leg from the salt water, hoping that it would be therapeutic for her rash.
We spotted a little dead penguin on the beach as well, which made us all feel quite sad as it is the first penguin we have seen in NZ.
Anyway, we had a little paddle, played a few games on the beach then headed off to the town for a coffee. Louisa didn't bother with a drink but opted for some sushi instead. The kids then had ice cream before we headed off to a shopping centre looking for some picture frames.
The weather was very changeable but it beat sitting at home staring at the same 4 walls. But as the weather is getting better, we hope to be out and about more often.

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