Wednesday 28 October 2009

Labour Weekend

Had planned on going camping, before no.1 offspring decided to tell us he was going up to Auckland on the Saturday with a friend and his dad to some show. So that was planned scuppered. Anyway, the weather forecast was lousy, but it turned out to be lovely. Typical.

So Saturday saw us over to a friends to spend the day over at Raglan beach. She asked me to drive, and I had to have my arm twisted up my back before I took the wheel of the big silver BMW X5 with 4.4i V8 engine. I mean, who would want to drive one of these? :)
It was a pleasant, if blowy day, but one which we enjoyed.
Sunday was spent moving a bit of the house around, and collecting the kids from the friends house as they stayed over on the Saturday as well.

Monday, Labour Day holiday, saw us take a trip over the Kaimai's to Rotorua. We took a picnic and went to the Blue lake. It was nice weather again, and a trip over to Lake Tarawera for a couple of pictures and a little walk to see some old cave paintings.

A nice little weekend, and one that will go down in the memory banks.

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