Saturday 31 October 2009

Dance Show and luvvie weekend ahead

Went to a dance show last night. A friend of Louisa's was dancing with her dance school, so we all headed across to Hamilton for the evening, but not before Louisa and Jan had been to get their coif. Louisa was a sight to behold, he hairdo certainly was different, with a fringe and a shorter, more shoulder length cut. She looked great, if not a little strange because we not used to seeing her like this. Kieran remarked she had a "Lily Allen" cut, and that is the nearest I can describe it as.
So, we arrived for a lovely evening. It was a great show, very visual with brilliant costumes and some not too bad dancing either!
It will be a bit of a "luvvie" type weekend all round as the girls are going to watch the Russian Ballet performing Swan Lake tomorrow. I know they can't wait to see it.

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