Sunday 1 November 2009

It's official, I'm a nerd again!!

Ah well, if you got the reputation you may as well be one! I have got into ham radio again after a legthy lay off of 15 years. Now don't get me wrong, like lots of hobbies that get this reputation,some of it is warranted. But ham radio was the reason I ended going back in to education, gave me a career and an interest in all sorts of things. I have met, and spoken, to some great people all over the world. So after meeting up with one of our local constabulary, an ex-pom like ourselves, I was loaned some equipment, made enquiries about getting a New Zealand license, and here I am.
I am sitting on the deck in the sunshine at the moment listening to various stations, a bit of a difference to my old operating places back in UK, a shed in the back garden, a cupboard in the bedroom or stuck in a corner somewhere!

I worked my very first station last night on Morse code, a guy across the ditch in Australia, who funnily enough is an ex-pom as well!

So, now I have the bug, I see my son Kieran is getting a bit of a taste too, but there again, he is a nerd!!


Lilas Conuts said...

Hello from Nouméa
Wear your nerditude proudly I'm a geek and so what .....

Stevie D said...

haha, I'm afraid I can't avoid it Lilas! Thanks for the comment hope you like the blog :)