Thursday 5 November 2009

Bonfire night.

Remember, remember, the 5th of Novembe, well, it certainly is a thing to remember down here. Sitting on the deck in the warmer nights in shorts and t-shirt as opposed to being cold and wet on an autumn night. No damp /wet grass smells or the tang of smoke on the air from the hundreds of bonfires. No "penny for the guy" or fireworks going off for weeks in advance - it is very different down here.
Anyway, the kids got a big box of fireworks today, and as we are going to a firework party on Saturday we couldn't set loads off. So a select few were taken out, along with some we had put aside from last year.
They had fun setting them off, laughing at the more pathetic ones, but there were some good ones that had them ooing and aaahing.
Watching on as a parent, always remembering back to the times as a youngster when my dad would get the fireworks for us, and the anticipation waiting for him to bring the box home. He would always go on about the fireworks from his younger days, Brocks, rip-raps and other stuff, so I make a conscious effort not to do the same, but you can't help it can you!
Jan as usual had the camera, waiting for opportune moments to take pictures for scrapbooking, which she showed us once we had finished for the evening.

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