Thursday 5 November 2009


As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have taken up my old hobby of ham radio again. With borrowed radio and bits and pieces, I am enjoying listening to the airwaves again
Tonight, after I had been watching the fireworks in the garden, I switched the radio on, listening to the static crashes and dits and dahs of the morse code when I heard a weak call. I decided to rattle off a quick reply in morse and was pleased to hear the station call me back. I was totally unprepared, looking for a pen to scribble down the details, but when I heard his weak signal describe his location as Tahiti I was very pleased. I am only using a small, low powered radio in to a lashed up aerial outside the bedroom window, very much a temporary thing until I can get something more permanent. It is very different down in New Zealand compared to the European noise that I was used to, things are so quiet down here that you get the chance to hear stations from all over the world.

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