Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The next day out... Rotorua lakes again....

Cup of tea and a laugh at the Green Lake viewing area

Kieran walking on water!!

Geoff and Linda fancied a trip over to Rotorua, so we all met up on Sunday morning, loaded the kayak on to the car, packed another picnic and put the dogs in to the cars and set off over the Kaimai hills again. We decided to take our friends to see some of the places we frequent, Geoff and Linda didn't even know of the place we took them, and they enjoyed the beautiful landscape around the lakes. First stop was Lake Tikitapu, the Blue Lake. The kids didn't waste much time getting in to the water, after a surprising meeting with their old school principal who was also there for a cooling swim after a cycle ride. It was very busy, but we soon settled down and watched the kids enjoying themselves.

After a short while the heat was too much and I headed in to the lake as well... it was certainly warmer compared to last week, and very refreshing. Jan took the hint as well, getting in for a good splash about with the kids - she even had a go in the kayak herself!

After a while we packed up and headed over to Lake Tarawera. It is a stunning location, and we are glad that Geoff and Linda shared our thoughts. A coffee in the cafe by the pier saw us meet some friends from Cambridge. The families were camping over the other side of the lake, and after saying our goodbyes to them, the kids were straight in to the water again, jumping and diving off the pier. The adults took the dogs for a walk, and we showed Geoff and Linda some Maori cabe paintings that were nearby. We found a nice little beach and took in the scenery. On the way back to the kids we were met by a very frantic Louisa. It was suggested that Louisa go across with her friends parents in their boat to surprise her friend who was feeling a bit low. We agreed and she got her bits together out of the car and waited for her lift. After about 5 minutes a white dot appeared around the headland, and 5 minutes later it beached, she clambered in, and after hasty farewells, I pushed the boat back out and they headed off in the sunshine to the far side of the lake, to Mount Tarawera. Tarawera last erupted in 1886, decimating the surrounding areas and the world famous pink and white terraces.
Our friends were shaking their heads in disbelief, it was definitely something else to think about as the kids certainly get to do some wonderful stuff here.

A stop off at the green lake viewing area, where the camp stove and kettle was broken out and a nice cup of tea along with some fresh melon slices saw the end of another excellent day. Fish and chips at the end of a very tiring day saw us all agree that it was an excellent day, a perfect end to a perfect weekend. Good friends and good times, we are truly blessed.

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